• Safe Water Network
    $250,000 through December, 2021

    Bridge grant to continue the implementation of social enterprise model for safely managed water in Ghana

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: September, 2021
  • Water4, Inc.
    $250,000 through December, 2021

    To provide bridge funding for the next phase of the service delivery model in Wassa East

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: September, 2021
  • Aguaconsult
    $30,000 through September, 2021

    To test a global checklist for funders and implementers to use to inform the design and funding of data initiatives for improved WASH decision-making.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: July, 2021
  • DataBoom
    $486,000 through January, 2023

    To generate district level profiles of safe water programming and progress in Ethiopia and Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: July, 2021
  • Stichting IRC, International Water and Sanitation Centre
    $2,006,000 through January, 2024

    To support a responsible transition from Burkina, Mali and Niger for safe water services.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2021
  • Uptime Catalyst Facility
    $265,000 through May, 2022

    To unlock global funding for maintenance models to provide reliable water services for 1.3 million people across four African countries, including Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2021
  • Jibu, L3C
    $200,000 through April, 2022

    To pilot a subsidized model for bottled water for low-income customers in Kabarole district, Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: April, 2021
  • Envicom Corporation
    $50,000 through October, 2021

    To develop a web mapping application for the Asutifi North District, Ghana to inform its five-year development plan on water services.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: April, 2021
  • Millennium Water Alliance
    $145,000 through January, 2022

    To discover, define and disseminate the value proposition of the hub for improving the coordination and implementation of safe water solutions

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: February, 2021
  • WSUP Advisory CIC
    $77,000 through March, 2023

    to extend quality water supply to 2,226 households through public standpipes and to 5 health care facilities in the district of Kabarole, Uganda in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: September, 2020