• Innovations for Poverty Action
    $1,500,000 through December, 2024

    to generate policy-relevant evidence around Venezuelan migrant and refugee populations in Colombia and Ecuador and engage key actors to identify learning needs, share findings, and inform decision-making.

    Refugees South America Awarded: October, 2022
  • Dansk Flygtningehjælp
    $500,000 through August, 2025

    To support the Refugee Investment Facility (RIF) which works to advance refugee well-being, livelihoods and self-reliance through investments in small and medium enterprises.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: September, 2022
  • Instiglio
    $1,500,000 through December, 2024

    To improve outcomes for refugees in Latin America and Africa by developing and implementing results-based financing approaches.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: September, 2022
  • Corporacion Fernando Gonzalez - Otraparte
    $450,000 through September, 2025

    to support continued work on the Xenophobia Barometer, which aims to strengthen local networks to fight xenophobia against Venezuelan migrants and refugees.

    Refugees South America Awarded: September, 2022
  • Migration Policy Institute
    $300,000 through August, 2023

    To support the understanding of innovation in the Response to Displacement in Colombia and Ecuador and laying a foundation for action.

    Refugees South America Awarded: September, 2022
  • Corporacion de Profesionales Para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Corprodinco
    $250,000 through November, 2023

    To improve the quality of life of at-risk women in Colombia through vocational, technical, and entrepreneurship training, and psychosocial support.

    Refugees South America Awarded: September, 2022
  • Center for Global Development
    $700,000 through August, 2025

    to provide key areas of support to Phase II of the #LetThemWork initiative

    Refugees Global Awarded: September, 2022
  • Oxfam-America, Inc.
    $3,250,000 through August, 2025

    To strengthen refugee leadership and local humanitarian leadership advocacy in the Horn of Africa, as well as globally.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: August, 2022
  • Mercy Corps
    $3,000,000 through August, 2025

    To promote social cohesion between refugee and host communities and foster mutually beneficial interactions through economic opportunities, improved livelihoods, and strengthened community-led governance structures in Gambella, Ethiopia.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: August, 2022
  • International Rescue Committee Inc.
    $10,000,000 through September, 2025

    To support a nurturing children program in Uganda, Kulea Watoto, integrate early childhood care and development with economic wellbeing programming.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: August, 2022