• Stichting IRC, International Water and Sanitation Centre
    $220,000 through March, 2022

    to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the district of Kabarole, Uganda, and strengthen government structures to withstand future outbreaks within healthcare facilities.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: September, 2020
  • Safe Water Network
    $144,000 through August, 2021

    to ensure continuity of water services in a time of COVID-19 and connect water supply to 20 healthcare facilities in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: September, 2020
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $130,000 through April, 2021

    to execute the municipality’s emergency plan for COVID-19 across 93 schools and 17 healthcare facilities in Banfora, Burkina Faso through a collective action approach.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: June, 2020
  • Stichting IRC, International Water and Sanitation Centre
    $100,000 through June, 2021

    to facilitate a collective action approach for implementing short and medium-term COVID-19 response efforts in Asutifi North, Ghana and to amplify the role of water in infection prevention and control practices across nine healthcare facilities.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: June, 2020
  • Water4, Inc.
    $193,000 through January, 2021

    to ensure continuity of water supply for communities and 16 healthcare facilities in the Safe Water district of Wassa East, Ghana, and to strengthen the capacity of District Health Office to advance WASH-IPC in healthcare facilities.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • Global Water Challenge
    $442,000 through May, 2023

    to strengthen water point data collection, harmonization and sharing for in-country decision-making and learning in Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • DataBoom
    $200,000 through April, 2021

    to establish a method for documenting and communicating the results, progress and story on district-level implementation for safe water services.

    Safe Water Global Awarded: February, 2020
  • Stanford University
    $500,000 through March, 2022

    to foster adoption of a suite of products that support a systems orientation to program implementation by Safe Water grantees and WASH wider sector actors using a training of trainers approach.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: February, 2020
  • Envicom Corporation
    $49,000 through January, 2021

    to establish a geospatial mobile system for Safe Water Network to improve the planning and management of water schemes in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: January, 2020
  • Stanford University
    $500,000 through December, 2022

    to bolster the Safe Water Strategy assessment through collection of monitoring data from focal and comparator districts on service levels, financial flows and human capital.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2019