• Ace Policy Research Institute Limited
    $500,000 through May, 2027

    to improve early childhood development outcomes for children (0-5 years) in refugee settings and host communities in Uganda

    Refugees Africa Awarded: June, 2024
  • Tiny Totos Kenya Limited
    $600,000 through June, 2026

    to adapt a proven market-based childcare intervention model in Ethiopia and Uganda and unlock women and children’s wellbeing

    Refugees Africa Awarded: May, 2024
  • Refugees International
    $350,000 through June, 2025

    to support the second year of the Refugee Fellowship program that equips refugee leaders with the access, networks, professional skills, and resources to enhance advocacy work within their communities

    Refugees Global Awarded: May, 2024
  • Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the University of Oxford
    $50,000 through December, 2024

    to support the Forced Migration Review's fall 2024 issue on financing displacement responses

    Refugees Global Awarded: April, 2024
  • Ace Policy Research Institute Limited
    $500,000 through March, 2027

    to study the combined effects of community-based childcare and business grants on caretakers and children in the urban refugee and host communities in Kampala

    Refugees Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Opportunities Industrialization Centers Ethiopia (OIC-E)
    $500,000 through March, 2026

    to improve access to high-quality childcare services and pre-primary education for children, as well as sustainable livelihoods for parents and caregivers in Addis Ababa

    Refugees Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Corporacion de Profesionales Para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Corprodinco
    $400,000 through March, 2026

    to support migrant and host community families in Santander and Norte de Santander in improving their lives through a comprehensive two-generation project

    Refugees South America Awarded: April, 2024
  • Instiglio
    $500,000 through September, 2025

    To continue to improve outcomes for refugees in Latin America and Africa by developing and implementing results-based financing approaches.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2024
  • Migration Policy Institute
    $500,000 through August, 2025

    To conduct policy advocacy and create a roadmap for the private sector that support the integration of displaced Venezuelans in labor markets and public services.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2024
  • Fundación Refugiados Unidos
    $1,000,000 through March, 2026

    To scale impact by providing legal support, livelihoods, and community development to Venezuelan migrants and host communities across Bogota, Boyacá, and Bolivar.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2024