Young Children Affected by HIV and AIDS Convening Report 2019

The overarching goal of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Young Children Affected by HIV and AIDS program is to improve the developmental outcomes of all young children (from birth to five years of age) affected by HIV and AIDS in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. Toward this goal, we are supporting efforts to identify, test and deliver quality program approaches that are replicable, scalable and sustainable.

Each year, we convene our grantee partners. In April 2019, a total of 65 partners met in Navaisha, Kenya, over three days to share learnings and discuss common challenges. The convening was co-hosted by Stellenbosch University, our monitoring, evaluation and learning partner. Discussions evidenced the progress made to strengthen political will, as well as to integrate responsive caregiving and early learning into existing programs and services, including at the country/district level. Thematic small group discussions underlined the need to strengthen supportive supervision as a key step towards improving program quality.